What makes Mum happy

The other day I happened to come across a Mother's Day video. A woman was asking a few children some questions about their mums. Among the questions were- What does your mum love doing? What makes her happy?  One kid said that her mum loved cooking, another said reading and one other said dancing. Then, this one litter girl very confidently states that her mum loved spending time with her and her siblings. She went on to say that she thinks her mum enjoys them and loves playing and just being with them. They made her happy.

I thought about that for a while. It was a simple video and it went on to wish all mothers a happy mother's day but I couldn't stop thinking about that question and that answer. I thought about Josh. I wondered what he would have answered if he could speak. I started to feel a little guilty. I tried putting myself in his shoes. What was it that mum loved doing? I'm ashamed to admit it but in all honesty, the answer might have been 'staring at her iPhone'. Pathetic I know, but it's so true that my phone is always on me and I pull it out a lot more than I should. Sure I'm checking my e-mail or replying messages or checking out Facebook, but really, it takes me away from the present moment with Joshua.

Let's just say that that little girl's answer convicted me. I want more than anything for Joshua and my possible future kids to know that what I love best as a Mum, is being with them, enjoying them. That playing with them, making them laugh, teaching them new skills, listening to them talk, cuddling with them are what make me happy.

And so I have tried to remember that and make an effort to put away my iPhone and give Josh my undivided attention. I learn to notice more and more things about him that I find make my heart swell even more. I try to have more outdoor time with him because he loves the outdoors and I do too and we can learn to be quiet and still together. I lie with him on his playmat and tell him about numbers and colours. I sing to him and explore with him and sometimes I simply give him his own space (while I quickly reply that whatsapp msg). I hope this continues to be a habit so that when Joshua watches me, he will see me smiling at him more and scrolling through instagram less. Of course to say that it'll be enjoyable a hundred percent of the time is unrealistic. There are days Mum-ing is a real drag. But I think consciously being in the moment with him, remembering that this will pass and I'll never get the time back so I better enjoy it, makes all the difference. 


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